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  • What types of crime can I submit a tip on?
    You can report on any crime! Here are some examples: homicides, carjackings, robberies, vandalism, drugs, weapons, fugitives, hit-and-runs, missing persons, animal abuse, child abuse, sexual assault, and any other crimes that you believe you have critical information on that could help law enforcement.
  • How do I get my loved one's case on a billboard?
    The cost of the billboard is $200 for the family. To get a billboard call the Crime Stoppers office at 313-922-5000, ext#114. A Crime Stoppers person will work with the billboard company to get it placed after payment is made to Crime Stoppers by the family.
  • Do I have to testify in court if someone is arrested?
    NO! You are 100% anonymous throughout the entire process. We do not ask your name, your phone number or any information about you. There is no caller ID on any Crime Stoppers phones. The information from submitting a tip on the website is secure, and transmissions are encrypted. We have absolutely zero information about you, so we CAN’T bring you into court! Also, there are laws in Michigan protecting tipsters from being forced to testify in court!
  • How do I remain anonymous?
    Crime Stoppers of Michigan will NEVER ask for your name or any personal information. Your identity is a tip number that is given to you, that is the only way to identify you in the process. For a full description of our anonymous process, please click here.
  • How do I get a Crime Stoppers representative to speak in front of my block club, community group, organization or at my event?
    Call Crime Stoppers Office at 313-922-5000 and we will have someone from the speakers bureau come out and speak.
  • How can I help in other ways?
    You can sign up for Support while you shop by registering your Kroger’s Rewards card as having Crime Stoppers of Michigan as one of your community organizations.
  • How can I call in a tip to Crime Stoppers if I cannot make a 1-800 call as an inmate in prison?
    Inmates can make a call from all prisons in Michigan by following these steps. 1. Dial 0 for a collect call 2. Enter pin #06543211234 3. Enter 767# when prompted for the phone number
  • Do I have to testify in court if someone is arrested?
    NO!You are 100% anonymous throughout the entire process. We do not ask your name, your phone number or any information about you. There is no caller ID on any Crime Stoppers phones. The information from submitting a tip on the website is secure and transmissions are encrypted. We have absolutely zero information about you, so we CAN’T bring you into court! Also, there are laws in Michigan protecting Crime Stoppers tipsters from being forced to testify in court!
  • How long does it take to get paid on a tip?
    We pay our anonymous tipsters monthly. A tip will be set up for a reward payment once law enforcement has notified us that the tip assisted in the arrest, and the tip has been assigned a reward amount.
  • How do I set up a joint reward on a case?
    A joint reward can be set up by calling the Crime Stoppers office at 313-922-5000. A joint reward contract has to be signed by Crime Stoppers and the person giving the money. After a year if there has not been an arrest, the contributor has a choice to get a refund of the money, sign a new contract to keep the money on the crime, or the money can be donated to Crime Stoppers.
  • When can I report information on crimes?
    You can submit information on a crime that has already happened as soon as possible! You do not have to wait for a news story, or for us to release a poster. Submit a tip in one of two ways, by calling 1-800-SPEAK-UP or online at If a crime is in progress, dial 911.
  • How can I volunteer?
    You can visit our website at and fill out a volunteer application.
  • How do I get paid anonymously?
    Crime Stoppers partners with businesses in Southeast Michigan that help us distribute cash rewards anonymously! All you need is your tip number and how much the reward is, and you will be handed an envelope full of cash! That’s it! No questions asked!
  • If I call the police, am I eligible for a reward?
    No! If you want to remain anonymous and earn a cash reward, you only submit the tip to Crime Stoppers of Michigan. Crime Stoppers will work with the police on getting them the information to investigate.
  • How can a make a follow-up call from prison as an inmate?
    Follow these steps 1. Dial 0 for a collect call 2. Enter pin #06543211234 3. Enter 767# when prompted for the phone number 4. Tell the operator you are checking on a tip that you already called in, and when they say call 1-313….Say “I cannot make the call”… They will patch you through to the Crime Stoppers administrative office to get a follow-up.
  • Is Crime Stoppers part of the police?
    NO! Crime Stoppers of Michigan is an independent, Non-Profit organization that is a resource for law enforcement. Again, we are NOT the Police! We are here to help the police!
  • Do you get paid upon arrest or conviction?
    We pay upon arrest, NOT CONVICTION! If your tip leads to an arrest, you will be eligible to collect a cash reward.
  • Does Crime Stoppers charge to work on my loved one's case?
    NO! After the police report is made, a family member can get help from Crime Stoppers by calling the office at 313-922-5000. Crime Stoppers will then get paperwork filled out by the detective to get authorization on what they allow Crime Stoppers to do on the case. Crime Stoppers services offered are posters, door hangers, news releases, press conferences and information placed on the Crime Stoppers social media sites.
  • How does Crime Stoppers get funded?
    Through yearly memberships from businesses, faith based organizations and law enforcement agencies, sponsor companies of our annual fundraising recognition dinner, individual donors, and other fundraising events.
  • If my tip led to an arrest, when does the reward expire for pick-up?
    The reward never expires until it is picked up.
  • How successful is Crime Stoppers?
    : In the last five years, Crime Stoppers has received more than 28,000 anonymous tips from the public and has awarded more than $450,000 in cash rewards to anonymous tipsters. Crimes solved include 98 homicides, 300 wanted fugitives, 78 robberies and car-jackings and 100’s of other crimes.
  • How do I get paid if I am an inmate?
    Give your tip number to a trusted family member or friend and tell them to follow up by calling the Crime Stoppers administrative office at 313-922-5000 and they can collect the cash for you. Or if your tip leads to an arrest, the reward never expires so you can hold onto that tip number and upon release from prison, collect the cash reward.
  • How can I donate?
    You can visit our website at or to become a annual business, law enforcement, or faith based member, call the Crime Stoppers office at 313-922-5000.
  • How does Crime Stoppers determine the amount of rewards?
    Homicides, missing persons and hit-and-run fatalities are eligible for cash rewards up to $2,500. All other crimes are eligible for a cash reward up to $1,000. An individual, business, church or community organization can increase the reward by adding money on any case at any time. This is called a joint reward.

18000 W. Nine Mile Rd.
Suite 500
Southfield, MI, 48075

Phone: (313)-922-5000

Fax: (313)-922-5001


Crime Stoppers Center for Crime Prevention.jpg
Crime Stoppers of Michigan is a 501(c)(3) organization. All contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

© 2024 by Crime Stoppers of Michigan

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