Domestic Violence
Domestic violence refers to any behavior that involves the use of physical, emotional, or sexual force or the threat of such force within an intimate relationship. It can take many forms, including physical or verbal abuse, controlling, and financial abuse. Domestic violence is a serious issue that affects individuals and families from all walks of life.
Domestic Violence Prevention
Understanding and having knowledge of the many types of abuse as well as the various ways that abuse appears, and interconnects can prepare you to respond to situations safely for yourself and others. Possible signs of abuse:
Physical Abuse – punch, slap, kick, bite, choke, use of weapons against you, driving dangerously with you in the car, preventing you from leaving, throwing objects at you, denying you necessary medical treatment.
Emotional and Verbal Abuse – constant name calling or criticizing, acting possessive, isolation from friends and family, monitoring your activities without your knowledge, gaslighting, humiliation, attempting to maintain sole control over what you wear or do, blame, accusations, damaging belongings.
Sexual Abuse – insults you in a sexual manner, forcing or manipulating you into sexual acts without consent, ignores your feelings, intentionally pass on a STD/STI. Sexual Coercion – reacting negatively if you say “no”, continuous pressure to give in after saying “no”, giving you drugs or alcohol to “loosen up”, implying you owe them something sexually for a gift, or action.
Financial Abuse – denying access to your money, closely monitored allowance, maxing out credit cards / open accounts in your name without permission, refusing to contribute in the household or provide money for necessities or shared expenses.
Digital Abuse – controlling who you can follow, what you can post, who you can talk to, sending toxic or threatening emails or texts, demanding passwords, checking your phone, using GPS to monitor and track location, impersonating you online to get you in trouble or embarrass you, making you feel like you can be separated from your phone due to angering them.
Did You Know?
Where to Report
If you are in immediate danger, Call 911!
Report Anonymously to Crime Stoppers at 1-800-SPEAKUP
Your Local Police Department
National Domestic Violence Hotline available 24/7
Call or TTY @ 1-800-799-7233
If you are unable to speak safely, log onto thehotline.org or text LOVEIS to 22522
Center for Violence Prevention - Domestic Violence & Child Abuse
McLean Hospital - Understanding the Impact of Domestic Violence
National Center for Health Research - The Cycle of Domestic Violence
National Domestic Violence Hotline - Domestic Violence Support
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence - Domestic Violence
Turning Point - Empowering Survivors-Domestic, Sexual Violence & Human Trafficking
Women's Law - Domestic Violence Shelters and Support Resources