When you call 1 800 SPEAK UP, you will be speaking to an operator from our call center located in Texas. A trained operator who services Crime Stoppers organizations across the country will take your information and put it into a tip format. There is No Caller Id, and your phone call is never recorded.
Regardless if you submit a tip by calling 1 800 SPEAK UP or online, you will receive a “Tip Reference Number”. This number will be needed to follow up on your tip. DO NOT give your tip number to anyone else as it is the only way you can track the progress of your information.
If your tip leads to an arrest, you will be eligible for a reward of up to $2,500. Rewards are processed once a month. If you are eligible for a reward, we have partnered with local banks that will disburse the reward in cash. No identification is needed, and you will only need your tip reference number and the amount of the reward to get paid.
When you go to submit a tip online, you will be redirected to our online encrypted submission form. You will then have to complete the form that aims to collect the most relevant information to help law enforcement to solve the case. To follow-up your tip, call us back to see if your tip leads to an arrest.
Once a tip has been received it will be sent to the law enforcement agency that has jurisdiction over the reported crime. The agency will investigate the tip and report back the outcome of the investigation to our administrative office in Southfield, Michigan.
You can follow up on your tip by calling our administrative office on specified days. The phone number to call when following up on a tip is 313-922-5000. The hours to call our main office for follow-ups are: Tuesday and Thursday 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. and Wednesday from 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.